Apparently, I must write about food. Is an interesting
subject, because I love food (although not note in my body –I`m very skinny-).
I eat everything (less “cochayuyos” and “guatitas”, are very (¡but very!) bad),
and I think that no depends of the plate; depend of the cook: I tasted the same
plate (por example, spaghettis) and the flavor is so diferent between one hand
and another.
Also, this happen between diferents restaurants and peoples;
for example, Papa John`s are so diferent of Pizza Hut (I prefer Papa John`s
But, in this context, I think there`s no better food like
homemade food. For two reasons: the first one, all the family can cooperate in
the production of the food, and these situations are so good for the family,
and the second reason is what my mom cooks so great (I've been eating for 23
years what she does and still I don`t get bored for that).

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