viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

jijijí :)

My experience in this class has been enriching and so nice! For me, sincerely, the English is not my favorite subject since school, but in this semester I have been able to know my mistakes when I talk, and I have learned so much talking with my partners. Also, the conversations have been so funny and interesting along the semester.
I think the great responsible of this situation is the teacher, because he encourages us to speak about different topics: drugs, studies, money, vegetables, love, job, sex, and so on (that is to say, life itself). Those conversations have been so interesting, because this makes us deviate from any pattern we have in our minds: move from one topic to another, making us improvise. Also, Álvaro has been so attentive to our concerns, and SO funny.
On the other hand, writing blogs have been a great exercise for me. When I started to write about the activities, I think that is a good exercise to learn to express in written form some assessment about general topics of my life, and what I think about different situations. This is important for my learning process because it compels me to think in English, and form a phrase with these notion.
Finally, I hope to pass this course because if I don´t get it, I will not be able go out from this university!! (haha).

(Please, do not forget to comment my blog. I´m alone :c)

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2015

¿2015? :c

I´ve had better years than this, but also this year 2015 has been good to me in some academic topics: I´ve done lot of assistantships at Facso (in the subject of General Psychology, Personality and Psychological Theories and Systems), in “Universidad Del Desarrollo” (subject of Chilean Poetry) and as a Tutor in Bachillerato. Also, in the church I´ve made a lot of works: in Christian´s Camps I´ve been biblical counselor in summer and I´ve worked in the music´s department of my church, every Saturday and Sunday; I´ve been in a biblical institute to learn Theology and teach, in the church, my brothers and sisters. Lastly, I´ve been attending a poetry workshop every Monday; there we have read lot of authors and lot of poems, since Baudelaire to Fernando Pessoa.
Well: in general, my life is so stressful for all the things I do. Therefore, my leisure time is so important for me: I play table tennis since I was eight years, and I love playing it. It relaxes me and I enjoy so much laughing and joking with my friends and other players. Also I take my time with my friends and colleagues in my career to know them and share experiences and readings.

Next year, I will do my training and my last courses at Facso, and maybe the year 2016 will be worse than 2015 for all the different (and new) things that I will do. This is my highest challenge in my career, and I hope to do it well.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Summer time?

Summer plans? Sincerely I´m not a person that has so many options to go on vacations in summer. Generally, my summer plans are looking for movie with my little sister, read many novels, find a part time job  and sleep. Yes: especially sleep. Sleep ten hours at least.
Normally, I usually go to the beach in summer with my family to my uncle´s house in Algarrobo; what I normally do in this place is … sleep. Well, also I go swimming in the beach and play cards with my cousins, play videogames and talk a lot about life. BUT what I usually do the most  is sleep. Sleep deeply.
I believe that is possible because I work so hard during the year: I must study and read a lot, and spend all my day at the university, talking with teachers and different students; making classes or exposing texts in study groups.
So, the summer to me is a possibility to recharge my energies and start the academic year optimally.
But, lately, I have worked at different Christian camps. Last summer I worked in two camps as a biblical counselor: One in Pirque and the another in Lican Ray. I was two weeks in each one, and the experience was amazing (althought so much exhausting!); and was amazing because I learned so much of my Christian life and the life of different people.

So, finally, I think that probably I´ll work again in a camp but, maybe, only one week in Pirque and another in Lican.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

My future job

This subject is too hard in my life, because in my career (psychology), there are many areas or applications where I can make a job. But that's not the point: besides the career in the university, I study theology in an Institute of Theological Studies. This situation implies, at least, two problems: 1) I must know how to link these areas of knowledge and, apparently, they are like oil and water: psychology was born in the middle of the process of secularization and the peak of the modern science; on the another hand, the theological thought started on the basis of existence of God (with all that it implies in the social and moral think), so the exercise of thinking and making an academic job with each foot in each area it’s SO difficult (and strange too), 2) the place that I will work depends on which area prevails on the another, or how I realize the mixture between psychology (specifically, psychoanalysis) and the theological thought: maybe I´ll do academic work (integrating psychoanalysis with literary studies -specifically, Chilean poetry studies- to think the problem of the historical memory in Chile) or psychotherapy, or join the ministry in the church and be a priest or a biblical teacher (although you may not believe it).

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


Apparently, I must write about food. Is an interesting subject, because I love food (although not note in my body –I`m very skinny-). I eat everything (less “cochayuyos” and “guatitas”, are very (¡but very!) bad), and I think that no depends of the plate; depend of the cook: I tasted the same plate (por example, spaghettis) and the flavor is so diferent between one hand and another.

Also, this happen between diferents restaurants and peoples; for example, Papa John`s are so diferent of Pizza Hut (I prefer Papa John`s anyway).

But, in this context, I think there`s no better food like homemade food. For two reasons: the first one, all the family can cooperate in the production of the food, and these situations are so good for the family, and the second reason is what my mom cooks so great (I've been eating for 23 years what she does and still I don`t get bored for that). 

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

The best holidays that I remember were in a course journey, in 8th grade. I was 13 years old. Well: they were not exactly holidays; it was in October, and was our start to say goodbye to this part of our lives, and move to the next level of our studies. So: I remember that I didn´t have much money and my partners either, and then we decided to go to the refuge of my school, the Instituto Nacional, in “El Tabo”. We stayed for four days in this place, but I felt them like five minutes (as Victor Jara in his song): It was AMAZING. And it was amazing for one reason (I think): many of those that went to that place never came back with us in the class. There was such a joy, and at the same time, melancholy. We felt that we left something of our lives there to win another: that growing up means leaving things behind, and in that time and this place, we knew how much we loved one and other. 

Buenas Institutanos y visitas! <BR> <BR>[u][b]Informaciones[/u][/b]: <BR> <BR>1.- [u][i]El Nacional en una hoja[/i][/u]: <BR> <BR>En 194 años de vida, muchas historias han acontecido; y queremos que nos cuentes la tuya. <BR>Escribe tú historia en una hoja o menos, y hazla llegar con tus datos a la oficina CAIN. Podrás ganar interesantes premios. <BR> <BR>Para participar, deberán leer las bases en: <A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR> <BR>2.- [u][i]Festival Plug & Play[/i][/u]: <BR> <BR>Jumbo invita a los alumnos a participar en este festival, que se realiza a nivel nacional. <BR>Las mejores bandas estudiantiles se enfrentan para ganar la posibilidad de grabar un [u]disco profesional, junto con un video clip[/u]. <BR> <BR>Para los chicos interesados, lean las bases en <A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR> <BR>Luego, acérquense a Mario Poblete (Secretario de Música y Cultura), para quedar inscritos en la audición que se realizará en el colegio. <BR> <BR>3.- [u][i]Jeans Day[/i][/u]: <BR> <BR>El Miércoles 18 de Julio se realizará Jeans Day en el Instituto Nacional. El costo será de $300, los que deberán cancelar el mismo 18 en porteria, antes del ingreso de clases. <BR>__________________________________________________________ <BR> <BR>[u][b]Grupo Fotolog Institutanos[/b][/u]: <BR> <BR>Se abrió un nuevo espacio fotolog para los institutanos, en él todos los institutanos pueden subir libremente sus fotos. <BR> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR><A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR> <BR>Para SUBIR FOTO sólo deben ser usuarios fotolog (registrados). <BR> <BR>* Deben hacer click en "Upload a photo to this group", elegir la foto a subir, poner la clave de SU fotolog y subir la foto; <BR>* Agregaremos a los FF del Grupo sólo a los que suban fotos. <BR> <BR>En menos de un mes de su apertura hay sobre 130 fotos. <BR>Agreguen a los FF, suban fotos, y difundan el flog. <BR>__________________________________________________________ <BR> <BR>[u][b]Postulaciones Instituto Nacional[/u][/b]: <BR> <BR>Ingresando a <A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> encontrará disponible toda la información relativa al Proceso de Admisión 2008 para el Nivel de Séptimo Año Básico. <BR> <BR>Comisión de Admisión y Matrícula <BR>Rectoría <BR>Instituto Nacional <BR>__________________________________________________________ <BR> <BR>Foto del refugio [i]El Tabo[/i] del Instituto Nacional. <BR> <BR>Lugar donde al menos una vez, se va para compartir con los compañeros de curso, ver videos 0 aporte de educación sexual, jugar a la pelota, pin pong, ir a los video juegos, etc. <BR> <BR>De [i]El Tabo[/i] se pueden contar varias historias: de curso, personales, los orgasmos en la noche, etc. <BR> <BR>Pero sin duda, la más freak es la que pasó en el año 99 (no recuerdo con claridad la fecha ni los detalles). Se trata de la sombra de una persona ahorcada en uno de los galpones del refugio. <BR> <BR>Si alguien se sabe la historia (bien contada, porque yo recuerdo bien poco de los detalles), posteela y quedará en pie de foto. <BR> <BR>Aporte de <A HREF="" TARGET=_top></A> <BR> <BR>Cabros, MANDEN fotos, de a poco nos ha llegado material nuevo. <BR> <BR>Envien sus fotos, que estaremos subiendo los aportes casi de inmediato. <BR> <BR>Los aportes a [b][u]INSTITUTANO.IN@GMAIL.COM[/u][/b] <BR> <BR>Saludos a todos <BR> <BR>Institutanos <BR>Feña <BR>__________________________________________________________ - Fotolog

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015

I´d like to visit a country very beautiful because this has a big culture behind this: France. The reasons to visit this country are for academic reasons, principally: in France there are the best universities for psychoanalysis studies, one of the lines in psychology what I´d like to study deeply. Also, the French language is so beautiful for me; the poetry development in this country is very abundant and rich, and in the French language there are many important poets for the poetry of XX century, like Baudeleaire or Rimbaud, for example. Also, in France has too many monuments very famous which I’d like to visit too, like Eiffel Tower. Another reason to visit France (or any country in Europe really; but my heart says France more strongly) is that all the countries of Europe are so close one another: so, I can visit Italy also, or Germany.

Definitely, I´d like visit France for his language and his culture (something very linked to another).